Using the 6.3 trial .NET 2.0 DLL to generate PDF417 2D barcode, but it is not recognized using the Motorola DS4208 scanner. Barcode needs to have an aspect ratio of 0.25, an ECC level of 4, a height of 1 inch and a length of 3-4 inches. The text in the barcode will be approximately 600 characters in length and will contain carriage return characters. Here's what I'm currently doing to create the barcode. Any suggestions?
BarCodeBuilder bcb = new BarCodeBuilder();
bcb.SymbologyType = Symbology.Pdf417;
bcb.CodeLocation = CodeLocation.None;
bcb.EnableEscape = true;
bcb.AutoSize = false;
bcb.AspectRatio = 0.25F;
bcb.Pdf417ErrorLevel = Pdf417ErrorLevel.Level4;
bcb.GraphicsUnit = System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Millimeter;
bcb.ImageHeight = 25.4F; //25.4mm = 1in
bcb.ImageWidth = 101.6F; //76.2F; //76.2mm = 3in 101.6mm=4in
bcb.xDimension = .6F;
bcb.yDimension = .4F;
bcb.Columns = 7;
bcb.CodeText = "";
bcb.Save(@"C:\data\barcode.bmp", BarCodeImageFormat.Bmp);