GenerateOccurances fails under different Threads with same data

I'm seeing a very wierd problem where GenerateOccurances(startDate,endDate) fails to return any dates when run under one threads, but generates the right dates when run under another thread with the exact same input. I've gone to great pains to test this making sure the data is exactly the same (same start, end dates, same pattern) , and checking various Thread conditions, and I can't seem to find any way around this.

I'm evaluating iCalendar (yes, I have an eval license that will use real dates), and I'm using it with Windows Workflow (WF) and Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) to build basically a task scheduler. When I submit my task, GenerationOccurances() works correctly on both the client and server side. But WF can persist the tasks, and when it tries to rehydrate it on another thread, GenerateOccurances fails with the exact same input.

This is really a show stopper for me being able to purchase the product, so I really need some hints or help. I'm just building a prototype now so I could provide it to Aspose if you would like to debug.



Please, could you send me full code of your project as I could not reproduce a problem.