Generation SVG barcode saves only half a file and then throws an exception in C++ lib


SVG does not work in C++ lib.

// Save the Barcode image in SVG format
generator->Save(dataDir + u"Code128-barcode_out.svg", BarCodeImageFormat::Svg);
catch (const std::exception& e)
logEvent(EID_ERROR, L"CreateAndManageTwoDBarcodes error: %1. The %2 barcode type.", L"Code128", StringHelp::latin1ToUcs2(e.what()));

Throws exception;
CreateAndManageTwoDBarcodes error: System::ArgumentException: ns.

I can generate ALL other formats (except EMF which is missing, and really the format I need).

Here is the half SVG saved; (333 Bytes)


Could you please share your runnable sample project that can be compiled and executed here to reproduce this scenario here? It will help us to observe the issue and share our feedback accordingly. (5.1 KB)

We have observed the issue and logged it in our database for further investigation. You will be notified here once any update is ready for sharing.

This issue is logged as:

BARCODECPP-451 - ArgumentException on saving SVG file

Fix for SVG issue will be included in upcoming release. We plan to issue the release this week.


Please try our latest Aspose.BarCode for C++ v21.4:
Nuget repos. / Downloads section.

Your issue (logged earlier as “BARCODECPP-451”) should be fixed in it.

Thanks for quick fix! We will validate and get back if it still does not work.

Side note: Could you please write version number to the DLL’s published to nuget?


We do not add version number to the title text for C++ Dlls. You may check it using code or in VS.NET.

You do for aspose_cpp_vc14x64d.dll, so this is a request for Aspose.BarCode.Cpp_vc14x64d.dll aswell :slight_smile:

I cannot do it in code or .NET. The about box is not loading all libraries but querying DLL’s of libs.


Could you share your desired name format for the libraries in “\lib” folder, we can check it.

Name does not matter. Talking about properties for file;

image.png (11.6 KB)


We have logged a ticket with an id “BARCODECPP-455” for your requirements. We will look into it soon. The ticket is logged as following:
BARCODECPP-455 - Add version details against “File version” for Properties of Aspose.BarCode for C++ Dlls.

Once we have an update on it, we will let you know here.


The feature will be supported in our upcoming release (Aspose.BarCode for C++ v21.6). The next version will be published in the next month.

Sounds good, thanks. Looking forward to this release any day soon? :slight_smile:


Hopefully we will support the feature soon and we will try to publish the new version before the end of this month.

Sorry for the delay. Please expect the fix during two weeks.

We’ve published Aspose.BarCode for C++ 21.7 where the next ticket is fixed.
BARCODECPP-455 - Add version details against “File version” for Properties of Aspose.BarCode for C++ Dlls

Thanks, it works beautifully.


Good to know that the latest version works for your needs well. In the event of further queries or issue, feel free to write us back.