German characters not rendering | Docx to Pdf | Aspose onPremise | Node.js

Hi team,

I have a docx file that contains few parts of the document text in german. So when using the cloud api , the german chars are rendering fine but when using the onpremise thegerman chars are not rendering.

Can you please suggest which font [ttf] needs to be added inorder to render the german chars.

@Uzair_Sayeed Could you please attach your problematic output document here for our reference? I have checked conversion on my side and the output looks correct: out.pdf (145.3 KB)

Hi @alexey.noskov , thanks for quick response.
And I hope you are using aspose words onpremise node.js for the conversion[out.pdf file]

@Uzair_Sayeed Unfortunately, I do not see any problems in the attached PDF. If possible could you please highlight the problem?

Actually, there is no on-premises version of Aspose.Words for node.js. Aspose.Words on-premises is availabe for .NET, Java, Python and C++. Could you please share the code you use code conversion? Also as I can see the producer of the attached PDF is not Aspose.Words.

Sorry @alexey.noskov , my mistake I’ve sent the wrong output pdf file.

Here’s the actual output file:

We are using aspose onpremise via Node.js for quite sometime.


docxToPdfConverterAsposeV3: async (inputDocxFilePath) => {
        try {
            var axios = require('axios');
            var FormData = require('form-data');
            var fs = require('fs');
            const asposeDocxToPdfUrl = getAsposeDocxToPdfUrl();
            var data = new FormData();
            data.append('document', fs.createReadStream(inputDocxFilePath));

            var config = {
                method: 'put',
                // url: 'http://aspose-words-cloud.document-service-backend.svc.cluster.local/v4/words/convert?format=pdf&fileNameFieldValue=sourceFilename',
                url: asposeDocxToPdfUrl,
                headers: {
                    'accept': 'application/octet-stream',
                    'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data',
                data: data,
                maxContentLength: 50000000,
                maxBodyLength: 50000000,
                responseType: 'stream'

            let result = await axios(config)
            return {
                contentType: result.headers['content-type'],
        } catch (error) {
            let apiError = new APIError('50090', error, 'Aspose - Internal Server Error');
            logger.error(`Error occured while converting docx file to pdf`, apiError);
            throw apiError;

In the above code, ‘aspose-words-cloud’ is the name of our kubernetes deployment and ‘document-service-backend’ is the namespace used. We are hitting the aspose pod svc url from our backend url.

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