Get a list of template fields from a document (LINQ Reporting Engine) using Java


we are using ASPOSE for JAVA and we need to find (and get) all the LinQ Reporting Engine tags inside a Word Document. Is there a way to do this?
I attached an example word document.

Thanks in advance.


Unfortunately, Aspose.Words does not provide API to get a list of template fields from a document using LINQ Reporting engine. We already logged this feature request as WORDSNET-17454 in our issue tracking system. You will be notified via this forum thread once this feature is available.

We apologize for your inconvenience.

Any news of getting WORDSNET-17454 implemented?
It is a useful feature if the library could know what variables are expected in advance.

@SydMK Unfortunately, there are no news regarding the feature. The issue is still postponed and is not yet scheduled for development. Please accept our apologies for your inconvenience.