Get all Pst/Olm folders at once

When reading contents from all folders of Pst and Olm files:
Is there anyway to get all folders + sub-folders at once?

ie, another component:
For Each MyPstFolder As PstFolder In MyPstReader.GetPstRootFolders**(include all sub-folders Bool)**

Currently when using Pst and Olm storages, use some recursive method like this:

Possible to get 'em all without using recursive methods all at once?
Just curious if there’s such methods built-in?

We have logged this requirement in our issue tracking system as EMAILNET-40769. We will inform you once there is an update available on it.

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Can you please remove this request and mark it as closed?
I was able to achieve what I needed, now I don’t think this will be useful, specially with the limited precious time of developers. Thank you :slight_smile:,

Ok, I closed it.