Get block name from CadInsertObject

i’m trying to read all block names from a .dwg file extracting all blocks as CadInsertObjects, but the value of the property Name of these CadInsertObjects is different from the block names i see in autodesk (they start with “*U”).
How can i read from the single CadInsertObject the name i see in autodesk?.

I’m attaching an example with only 2 blocks, in autodesk BOTH blocks are called “NG” but if i check the 2 CadInsertObject extracted from the dwg file, one is called “NG” and the other “*U3” (26.3 KB)

We’ve created a ticket CADNET-8444 to investigate the issue. We will provide you with a code snippet later

Hi @Denis.Demenko,
any news?

Task still in progress

Fix will be provided with Aspose.CAD 21.12 approximately on December, 25th