Get fill color of a CadEntity in dxf file

I am trying to parse the dxf file using aspose cad for java. My idea is to export all the layers and entities later use a third part library like Batik to convert to svg.
Following is the code to load the dxf file:

final DxfImage dxfImage = (DxfImage)Image.load(inputDxfFilePath);

fetching the layer details

CadLayerTable layer = dxfImage.getLayers().getLayer(lname);

Fetching the entities

List<CadEntityBase> entities = dxfImage.getEntities();

There are methods in CadEntityBase related to styles like getColorId, getgetPlotStyleFlag, …
Do you have a document that relates the CadEntityBase styles to html styles.
Also, how can I get the Fill color of an entity?

I guess we need a bit more information here to assist.

Do you have a document that relates the CadEntityBase styles to html styles.

Could you please clarify what is html styles?

Also, how can I get the Fill color of an entity?

You can look at getColorId, getColorName, getColorValue, but I guess not all entities could be filled. Could you please share the initial DXF file and point out with screenshots what entity you are talking about?

I learnt that in CAD if a lwpolyline has a fill, then it is called a Hatch.

In my case I want to find the link between the Hatch and the lwpolyline.

I am able to find the dxf handle of Hatch in the lwpolyline metadata as a “ACAD_REACTORS”(Soft Handle #0 to persistent Rector). And in the Hatch the link of lwpolyline is found in "Source Entity Handle).

I need to fetch these values using Aspose cad Java methods. Can you please help here.

please, share the initial file so we can talk exactly about the same entities. (22.8 KB)

Please find the attached dxf file for reference.

please, try if this example is useful:

final CadImage cadImage = (CadImage)Image.load(inputFile);

for (CadEntityBase cadEntityBase : cadImage.getEntities())
	if (cadEntityBase.getTypeName() == CadEntityTypeName.HATCH)
		CadHatch hatch = (CadHatch)cadEntityBase;

		for (CadHatchBoundaryPathContainer boundaryPath: hatch.getBoundaryPaths())
			System.out.println(String.join(", ",boundaryPath.getSourceBoundaryObjects()));

	if (cadEntityBase.getTypeName() == CadEntityTypeName.LWPOLYLINE)
		CadApplicationCodesContainer container = cadEntityBase.getApplicationCodesContainer();

		if (container.getCodes().containsKey(""))
			CadApplicationCodes codes = container.getCodes("", "ACAD_REACTORS");
			for (CadCodeValue ccv: codes.getCodesList())
				System.out.println(ccv.getCode() + " " + ccv.getValue());
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