Get modified date from image (png/jpg etc.)


I’m processing a number of images varying in format and I’m struggling trying to find how to access the modified date for a given image.

I found a post about getting the Artist from the Exif data for a Tiff but nothing I try seems to show me a modified date for things like PNG, JPG, BMP etc.

Any help appreciated.


Hi Simon,

Thank you for your inquiry.

This is to update you that functionality to get last modified date is not supported in case of PNG, JPG and BMP images. A feature request has been added into our system with ID IMAGING-35409 to provide support for accessing the last modified date. Our product team will look into it. We will update you accordingly via this forum thread.

For now you may use the following lines of code to achieve this functionality.

System.IO.FileInfo fi = new System.IO.FileInfo(@"c:\test.jpg");


Thanks for the response, unfortunately I only have a filestream so don’t have access to that information directly.


Hi Simon,

Thank you for updating us. We will consider this information while working on the feature request.


This is to update you that the issue against ticket ID IMAGING-35409 has been resolved. Please download the latest version of Aspose.Imaging and verify at your end.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as ) have been fixed in this Aspose.Words for JasperReports 18.3 update.