Get shape's master slide shape


Is it possible to get the shape’s master slide original shape somehow?
I cannot do it by name since it is different in my case.
I have a shape with name “My shape 1” in a master slide with a specific slide and position.
I have in the regular slide this shape with a name ''My completed shape". If I move this shape somewhere in the slide and click reset in Powerpoint - it will restore styles and position for this ''My completed shape". So it definitely can identify it’s master slide shape. Is it possible to get it in Aspose(.net)?

Thank you


Can you please share source presentation so that we may further investigate to help you out.

sure, here it is.
You can find a shape with a name “My shape 1” on a Master slide of first slide.
So when on the first slide of presentation I change the position of the only element (Title …) and then click Reset - it restores the position to it’s Master slide shape ‘My shape 1’. So it has some connection, however names are different. So I’m wondering how can I get that Maste Slide shape by knowing only the shape ‘Title…’ (673.1 KB)


When the shape is inherited from master slide it’s Placeholder is not null. Please try using following sample code to identify such shapes.

public static void TestMasterShape()
    String path = @"C:\Aspose Data\";
    Presentation pres = new Presentation(path + "test_example.pptx");
    foreach (ISlide slide in pres.Slides)
        foreach (IShape shape in slide.Shapes)
            if (shape.Placeholder != null)
                //It means shape is inherited from master

                PlaceholderType type = shape.Placeholder.Type;

Is it possible to get master slide shape from this placeholder, because I don’t see any connection and I need to get the shape itself from a master slide. I see some Index, but I don’t know to what it refers.

Can you help with that?


You need to access the master slide and traverse through its shapes collection for accessing the desired shape. I hope the shared information will be helpful.

Ok, let’s check the example above.

Can you please provide a way to find the master slide shape knowing the shape in my slide?
They have different names in my example, so how can I match them?
Shape placeholder is not having any connections to master slide shape as I see

Thank you


Please try using following modified code sample on your end.

public static void TestMasterShape()
    String path = @"C:\Aspose Data\";
    Presentation pres = new Presentation(path + "test_example.pptx");
    foreach (ISlide slide in pres.Slides)
        foreach (IShape shape in slide.Shapes)
            if (shape.Placeholder != null)
                //It means shape is inherited from master

                PlaceholderType type = shape.Placeholder.Type;

               //Checking layout slide
                ILayoutSlide layout = slide.LayoutSlide;
                foreach (IShape lShape in layout.Shapes)
                    if (lShape.Placeholder.Type == shape.Placeholder.Type &&
                        lShape.Placeholder.Size == shape.Placeholder.Size &&
                        lShape.Placeholder.Orientation == shape.Placeholder.Orientation)
                        String s = "matching shape found";


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Thank you. It solves my needs


You are very welcome.