Get text position

I have looked in to ItextSharp ,PDF Clown but the dynamic placement of controls
get set position while parsing is not avaliable.

Does aspose give the
position of text ?

I want some thing very specific…
is getting the position of text at run time

we will be parsing the
html and inserting acrofields
in the PDF
so we want the postion to place text box
as we parse
the PDF.

I am sincerly looking ofr a product which gives me this …

We are creating dynamic forms where we can insert various controls…and give the customer…
so that the customer can fill this form and give back to us…

He can insert more fields too …and submit…this will submt teh values in Database…


Thanks for considering Aspose.

Does aspose give the position of text ?
I want some thing very specific… is getting the position of text at run time
we will be parsing the html and inserting acrofields in the PDF so we want the position to place text box as we parse the PDF.

As far as I’ve understood from the above lines, you want to get position of a particular word in HTML file when it is being parsed by Aspose.Pdf, so that Acro Form Field can be placed over that location. I’m afraid this feature is not supported.

Aspose.Pdf for .NET offers the capability to insert Acro FormFields into PDF document and you can control their positioning can be controlled while using Top , Left and Margin properties of FormField class. For more information, please visit Manipulating Form Fields .

Once the PDF document is created you can display it in user browser by simply calling the public void Save(string,SaveType,HttpResponse); method of Pdf class. Once the user has entered the information inside PDF document, you can use Aspose.Pdf.Kit to extract the information from PDF form and send it back to DataBase. Please visit the following link for information on How to Interoperate with DataBase (.NET). You can also check the following Technical Article for information on Posting AcroForm data to an external web page.

In case I’ve not properly understood your requirements or you’ve any further query, please feel free to contact. We apologize for your inconvenience.

PS, Aspose.Pdf is a component which is used to generate PDF documents from scratch whereas, we’ve a component named Aspose.Pdf.Kit which is used to manipulate/edit any existing PDF documents. For more information on difference between two products, please visit [*Aspose.Pdf vs Aspose.Pdf.Kit*](