I have a slide (attached) from which I create a thumbnail to include it into a Word file. The slide has 20+ Word Arts. I know it is pointless and as a Workaround, we have replaced them with normal text fields. However, GetThumbnail Needs several minutes to finish.
Daniel Tobler
Hi Daniel,
Hi Adnan
For a developer, your response is not very helpful. I know that there are many WordArts on that slide. But generating thumbnails from the same slide with standard textboxes is much faster.
- do you plan to improve the GetThumbnail method for WordArts?
- Or do we need to change those slides (there are many sich slides) to standard textboxes?
- and then need to warn creators of such slides (how can I distinguish WordArt IShape objects from normal Textbox-Shapes?
Hi Daniel,
I like to share that WordArt lies under category of 3D rendering. The normal text shapes are flat texts and that is why they are rendered significantly faster than 3D texts. We are in process of continual improvement in rendering of 3D shapes. At present the complete 3D rendering is even unavailable and is likely to be available during Q3 of 2015. The rendering performance is another area that we are also looking in parallel and it will also be improved continually in subsequent releases but not in one particular release. Please share, if I may help you further in this regard.
Many Thanks,
Thanks a lot for your answer Adnan. This really helps and we are going to Change the WordArts to normal text boxes.
How can I distinguish those two objects. I did not find a way using IShape.
Daniel Tobler
Hi Daniel,
As I have shared with you in my previous post that WordArt shape is presently not supported in Aspose.Slides. However, there are other shapes that Aspose.Slides offer and you can find and access them. Please try using the following sample code on your end for accessing the shapes.
//Load the desired the presentation
using (Presentation pres = new Presentation(“SimpleSmartArt.pptx”))
//Traverse through every shape inside first slide
foreach (IShape shape in pres.Slides[0].Shapes)
//Check if shape is of SmartArt type
if (shape is ISmartArt)
//Typecast shape to SmartArt
ISmartArt smart = (ISmartArt)shape;
//Check if shape is of Textbox
else if (shape is IAutoShape)
//Typecast shape to AutoShape
IAutoShape ashp = (IAutoShape )shape;
//Check if shape is Table
else if (shape is ITable)
//Typecast shape to Table
ITable table= (ITable)shape;
Please also visit this documentation link as well to find the shapes in slides as well.
Many Thanks,