GetThumbnail missing graphic

I am composing slides in a PresentationEx.

If I compose the slide and it contains a jpg and I GetThumbnail and send the bitmap to a jpg file, the output does not contain the included jpg image (it includes the rest of the composition).

If I compose the slide, write the pptx file, read the file back in, and then GetThumbnail the output does contain the included jpg. Obviously, I do not want to have to write and read the pptx to create the output jpg image.

Segment of code (oLesson is a PresentationEx object which has the composed slide):

PPTx.writeFilePPTxContinue(oLesson, sPath)

oLesson = Nothing

oLesson = New PresentationEx(sPath)

oDestSlide = oLesson.Slides(0)

oBitmap = oDestSlide.GetThumbnail(3.0F, 3.0F)

sPath = getMIRShareDir() + gvDocPages.DataKeys(iRow).Values(3) + ".jpg"

Trace.Warn("Write " + sPath)

oBitmap.Save(sPath, Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg)

If I include the three grayed lines, the output is fine. If I remove the three lines, the jpg included on the page does not make it to the bitmap output.

Any ideas what could be wrong or how to fix it without writing a temporary pptx file?


Hi Brad,

I have observed the code snippet shared by you. In order to further investigate the issue, I may please request the source presentation. Please share that for necessary further investigation.

Thanks and Regards,

Hi Mudassir,

I have created a test site and zipped and attached it (aspose Bin directory not included).

Including or removing the four lines:

sPath = MapPath("Test.pptx")

PPTx.writeFilePPTxContinue(oLesson, sPath)

oLesson = Nothing

oLesson = New PresentationEx(sPath)

Causes the output "TestOutput.jpg" to include or not include "PC090022.JPG" in the output. Again, it would be better if I did not have to write the "Test.pptx" file and read it back in to make the process work.

Thanks for your help.

Hi Brad,

I have worked with the presentation file shared by you and have observed the issue as shared by you that thumbnail is missing the added Jpeg. An issue with ID 24918 has been created in our issue tracking system to further investigate and resolve the issue. This thread has also been linked with the issue so that you may be automatically notified, once the issue is resolved.

We are sorry for your inconvenience,