Getting Error while converting large size files (word-Excel-Powerpoint) to PDF

Hello ,
I am using Aspose PDF Kit version
in my ASP.Net Application.For conversion process Ms- Word, MS-
Excel,MS- PowerPoint to PDF its working fine with small size of
files.But I am getting an error while trying to convert an Excel file to PDF whose size is 50 MB.So
I need to know upto which level or file size you are supporting for the
conversion process. Could you provide a suitable workaround for this
issue as soon as possible ?


There is no limitation regarding size of the Excel file for PDF conversion. There should be no problem converting your huge Excel files to
PDF format using Aspose.Cells product. Make sure that you have
sufficient amount of RAM for the conversion. By the way, what is the
error you get while converting to PDF.

Could you give it a try Aspose.Cells for .NET v5.3.1.7 if it works fine.

you still find the issue, kindly zip your template Excel file and
attach it here, also paste your sample code here, we will check it soon.

Thank you.

Hi there,

Thanks for your inquiry. In the same way, Aspose.Words has no limitation to the size of the document being rendered. The only constraint is the amount of RAM available on your machine.


Hi Amjad Sahi,

While trying to convert an Excel to PDF I am getting System.IO.OutOfMemoryException error.These are my system specifications 4GB RAM,System Type: 64-bit operating system,Windows Server 2008 R2 standard.I have attached the sample project.In the following link you can download the Excel File(50MB)!105

Is there any minimum system requirement for using Aspose ? Could you provide suitable work around for this issue as soon as possible ?


Hi Ramlingam,

Thanks for providing us the template Excel file.

After an initial test, I can find the issue. I have logged your issue into our issue tracking system with an id: CELLSNET-25850. We will figure it out soon.

Thank you.