Hi there,
My product expecting jpeg or jpeg2000 from source, when jpeg comes in I can get exif data and log them. For jpeg2000, I didn’t find any method that can extract exif data, is it supported by Aspose.Imaging library? if it supports this feature, how could I grab exif data off a jpeg2000 picture?
Hi Hui,
Thank you for your inquiry.
This is to update you that the feature you are looking for is not available. A feature request has been logged into our system with ID IMAGINGNET-2200. Our product team will further look into it and provide feedback. we will update you with the feedback via this forum thread.
Our product team has investigated the requirements on their end. Actually, there is no official standard for storing EXIF in Jpeg2000 images. Since there is no EXIF data in JPEG 2000, you can read XMP data if it is presents in JPEG 2000 image on your end. I hope the shared information will be helpful. Can you please also provide the example of JPEG 2000 along with information which metadata you want to read?
The issues you have found earlier (filed as ) have been fixed in this Aspose.Words for JasperReports 18.3 update.