Getting Gridweb modified cells on PostBack


Here is the description of what I want to do :

My application uses GridWeb to load Excel workbook. When the page is loaded, the user can modify some cells in it. On postback, I need to get only the modified cells. Is there a feature in the gridweb control which allows to do that?



Thanks for your posting and using Aspose.Cells for GridWeb.

I have looked into your query and found that this feature does exist.

Please download and use the latest version:
for GridWeb v2.7.12.2000

Please try the following code to access the modified cells of your loaded worksheet.


var listOfModifiedCells = this.m_GridWeb.ModifiedCells;


Also, on the client side, I think you may also try to use and handle events like onCellUpdated event and perform whatever you want like , e.g retrieving cell information and its value, etc. For further reference, please check the source code of "Client Side Scripting" demos in our online demos, please check the events and functions you may make use of them, which are supported in GridWeb on the client side:

Thank you.