Getting Junk Value in JSP


We are trying to access MMA_605___midMthHist.changeInMo value and we are copying the value into MMA_605___midMthHistTotal.The MMA_605___midMthHist.changeInMo value in excel sheet is 0.So it should display the value same value in MMA_605___midMthHistTotal.

For doing the above operation,We are using the following code in JSP.

<report:sectioniterate sectionId=“midMthHistTotal” cellMetadataVar=“metaData” beginRow=“0” endRow=“0”>
<report:nativecell cellAttributeName=“midMthHist.changeInMo”/>.00%

We are getting -8.8675E-15.00% instead of 0.00%.PFA sample excel sheet…Provide me the solution to resolve it.


Thanks for the template file and details.

I have evaluated your scenario/ case using your template Excel file in a simple console (sample code mentioned below) JAVA program with our latest version/fix: Aspose.Cells for Java v8.7.0.2 (please try it), it works fine.
Sample code:

Workbook workbook = new Workbook(“3s17KSiOTv.xls”);
Worksheet worksheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(“MMA_605”);
//Note: please call Workbook.calculateFormula() to calculate the formulas in the workbook.
System.out.println(worksheet.getCells().get(“Y36”).getStringValue()); //0.00 - Ok

Let us know if you still have any issue.

Thank you.