Getting License has expired but having valid license

Some times i am getting license expired error. I am having the license file in s3 bucket. We are running the application developed using Scala. Whenever i recompiled and trying aspose functionality i am getting license expired error. When I stop the service in console and then try again it is working. But after doing some changes and recompiled getting license expired error. I have attached the screen shot. Please check and help me to fix this issue.
Screenshot 2024-04-10 at 7.41.56 PM.png (316.4 KB)

Hello, @arun.novadontics ,
According to the screenshot you are using Aspose.Psd product, while this is Aspose.Imaging forum. I will redirect you question to the corresponding forum.
Best regards!

A post was split to a new topic: Aspose.Psd temp license fails