Getting page size from sheet render

I see that sheetRender.getPageSize(i)[0] is replaced with sheetRender.getPageSizeInch(i)[0] in the latest versions. However i wanted the width and height in 72 dpi. Hence i did
float width = sheetRender.getPageSizeInch(i)[0];
float height = sheetRender.getPageSizeInch(i)[1];
width = width * 72; // Convert to pixels using 72dpi
height = height * 72; // Convert to pixels using 72dpi

However this results in blank pages in many cases of excel rendering (not all pages but some in most documents). Any ways to handle this ? or a better way to get the dimensions as per 72dpi.

Also if possible help me with the older implementation of sheetRender.getPageSize(i)[0] which really suited the need with no other adjustments to do.


Could you please zip and attach sample Excel file(s) and image files to evaluate your issue. Also, share the complete sample (runnable) code to test the issue. We will check your issue soon.

Thanks for the quick response. I understand that the sample file would help better for which i am working on. But i noticed something today which i wanted to update. The temporary license is getting expired today and while running the same i am able to see the output but with a watermark about ‘Evaluation Only… etc’ which is ok. But surprised to see the result/render being fine with it which was rendering blank pages before. Can you please give more information if license can be a factor to be considered.

Also i did try with 21.11 which has sheetRender.getPageSize() but was deprecated and i was able to render the document well couple of days ago. But not with 21.12. Today i happened to notice the above as mentioned.

Would you like to provide your sample files and test code? This will be very helpful for us to locate the issue. We will check it soon.
Regarding the limitations of the evaluation version, please refer to the following document.

Please note that the licensed version (using Aspose.Cells with a valid license) provides full functionality and does not impose any restrictions like the evaluation version (using Aspose.Cells without a valid license in evaluation mode) does. As requested by @John.He, please provide the simulation code and sample files (please zip the files prior attaching) to demonstrate the issue so that we can evaluate your issue in detail.