Getting unresolved external errors for my basic pdf-png code in C++ for no apparent reason

Sorry for the badly-formatted question, It’s my first time posting here.

I am trying to display the pdf by converting it to png first & using SDL2 to show it. But when I add my asposePDF code to convert from pdf to png & run it, I get LNK 2019 ‘unresolved external’ errors. I’ll show the full errors in the picture since they’re quite long.
errors.png (32.9 KB)
I have added the CodePortingTranslator, so that’s not the issue. Also, I seem to have the necessary headers for my code: //SDL2 headers #include <SDL.h> #include <SDL_image.h> //asposePDF headers #include <Aspose.PDF.Cpp/Document.h> #include <Aspose.PDF.Cpp/Page.h> #include <Aspose.PDF.Cpp/Devices/PngDevice.h> #include <Aspose.PDF.Cpp/PageCollection.h> #include <Aspose.Pdf.Cpp/Facades/facade.h> #include <Aspose.PDF.Cpp/Facades/PdfConverter.h> So I’m not sure what’s going on here. It looks like a library fetch failure but I’ve included the x64 .lib files & their respecive .dll files #pragma comment(lib, "Aspose.PDF.Cpp_vc14x64.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "Aspose.PDF.Cpp_vc14x64d.lib") I am trying to get started with asposePDF, but this is setting me back, what do I do? Here’s my PDF → PNG code:

        System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter> pngConverter = System::MakeObject<Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter>();
        System::String prefix = u"output";
        System::String suffix = u".png";
        int32_t imageCount = 1;
        // Initialise SDL without video

        // Load the PNG image using SDL
        SDL_Surface* surface = IMG_Load("output.png");

        // Create an SDL window from hParentWnd
        SDL_Window* window = SDL_CreateWindowFrom(hEditControl);

        // Set SDL window position and size to match the edit control
        RECT rect;
        GetClientRect(hEditControl, &rect);
        SDL_SetWindowPosition(window, rect.left,;
        SDL_SetWindowSize(window, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom -;

        // Create SDL renderer for the window
        SDL_Renderer* renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(window, -1, 0);

        // Create SDL texture from the surface
        SDL_Texture* texture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer, surface);

        // Clear renderer

        // Render texture on the window
        SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, texture, NULL, NULL);



Are you sure that these errors are related to Aspose.PDF for C++? Please try to create an empty console application and use NuGet Package Manager to install Aspose.PDF for C++ API (latest version). In case you still notice any issues, please let us know.