I’m working with cesium’s 3d tiles and trying to enable draco compression. Unfortunately the output files are either invalid, or very broken.
The output files also cannot be loaded by the default windows 3d viewer, blender or VSCodes’ GltfTools
Code is pretty simple, but here a snippet:
scene.Open(inputFile, cancellationToken);
if (OutputFormat == FileFormat.GLTF2)
saveOptions = new GltfSaveOptions(OutputFormat)
SaveExtras = false,
BufferFile = fileName + ".buffer.bin",
DracoCompression = true
else if (OutputFormat == FileFormat.GLTF2_Binary)
saveOptions = new GltfSaveOptions(OutputFormat)
SaveExtras = true,
DracoCompression = true
extension = ".glb";
var outputFile = Path.Combine(Output, fileName + extension);
var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(outputFile);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dir))
Logger.LogInformation($"Saving scene to file {outputFile}");
if (saveOptions != null)
scene.Save(outputFile, saveOptions, cancellationToken);
scene.Save(outputFile, OutputFormat, cancellationToken);
Does not work with either glb or gltf. The vast majority of input files fail.
Have also found that three.js editor has draco support, but also has an issue:
2abd9806-d0c8-4ed6-9155-a09cbdf4b20d:158 Error: THREE.DRACOLoader: Decoding failed: Failed to decode point attributes.
at decodeGeometry (2abd9806-d0c8-4ed6-9155-a09cbdf4b20d:204:10)
at 2abd9806-d0c8-4ed6-9155-a09cbdf4b20d:148:24
See example attached file below:
Input.zip (92.4 KB)
Unsure if this is important, but gltf validator spits out these:
"message": "Dependency failed. 'bufferView' must be defined.",
"severity": 0,
"pointer": "/accessors/0/byteOffset"
"message": "Dependency failed. 'bufferView' must be defined.",
"severity": 0,
"pointer": "/accessors/1/byteOffset"
"message": "Dependency failed. 'bufferView' must be defined.",
"severity": 0,
"pointer": "/accessors/2/byteOffset"
"message": "Dependency failed. 'bufferView' must be defined.",
"severity": 0,
"pointer": "/accessors/3/byteOffset"
"message": "Invalid attribute name.",
"severity": 0,
"pointer": "/meshes/0/primitives/0/attributes/COLOR"
"message": "Override of previously set accessor usage. Initial: 'VertexAttribute', new: 'PrimitiveIndices'.",
"severity": 0,
"pointer": "/meshes/0/primitives/0/indices"
"message": "Invalid indices accessor format '{VEC3, FLOAT}'. Must be one of ('{SCALAR, UNSIGNED_BYTE}', '{SCALAR, UNSIGNED_SHORT}', '{SCALAR, UNSIGNED_INT}').",
"severity": 0,
"pointer": "/meshes/0/primitives/0/indices"
"message": "Number of vertices or indices (44695) is not compatible with used drawing mode ('TRIANGLES').",
"severity": 1,
"pointer": "/meshes/0/primitives/0"