Government PDF does not load properly

WH-381.pdf (323.0 KB)
WH-380-F.pdf (357.6 KB)
Issue.PNG (151.2 KB)

The first page of every government document is not loading properly. There is a text box blocking the text.

Can you please share a bit more details about the issue? We have opened the files in Adobe Reader and did not notice any issues. Are you using Adobe Reader? Have you tried opening the file in it? Please share if you are trying to use Aspose.PDF for this file and facing some issues?

We are using your tool to display PDF documents for clients using our FMLA module. When trying to add government PDF documents the first page always has the text box blocking the text. We are using your PDF editor. When you try to open the document in the link above you can easily replicate the issue.

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