Graident rendering issue

I’ve attached a presentation that demonstrates an issue with rendering gradients with GetThumbnail.

Slide 1 contains graident boxes.
Slide 2 contains a screenshot of slide 1 from powerpoint.

When you compare the output from GetThumbnail for each slide, you can see that not all were rendered correctly in aspose.

1. corner gradients and gradients from center are being colored in reverse

2. in slide 1 the 4 boxes in the top left seem to favor black more than slide 2,
in slide 1 the diagaonal gradients in the bottom right have more red than in slide 2


Dear JP,

I have reported it for a fix.

Is this issue still in the schedule to be fixed?

I tested with latest dll (2.7.3) and some gradients are still reversed.


Yes, this issue is still in schedule.

Dear Plunk,

This bug has been resolved.

Please download the latest version of Aspose.Slides from this link.