I am successfully using the Graph feature to access user mailbox data (thank you!). But I was wondering if there is any way to obtain the http request and response. The MS GraphAPI Test UI exposes the Rest requests and responses - but I can’t see how the Aspose api forms its API calls.
Or can I add my own query parameters not via the Query Builder - or does it have a fixed format?
GraphMessagePageInfo msgPgInfo = client.listMessages(folderToQuery, new PageInfo(500), “SOME QUERY PARAMETERS”).
Similarly, the email data that the listMessages returns is quite limited. Is it possible to pass a parameter to set the headers/values that you would wish to get back in the email collection? I have to obtain the whole email every time to determine if it is one (a non-delivery report) that I need to process.
Also - it would be useful to add in your documentation how to handle Proxy Timeout. In this test routine (written in ‘Groovy’) if the Timeout occurs (or any other error is raised) then it simply loops up to 3 times:
for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
try {
msgPgInfo = client.listMessages(folderToQuery, msgPgInfo.getNextPage(), gqb.query);
} catch (e) { //typically AsposeBadServerResponceException: Server error [504] Operation failed.: 504/Gateway Timeout
println e
sleep 15000
if (i==3) {//do something to terminate the app}
I have seen a 500 error when fetching an email