Grid is not enables


i am using Aspose.Grid. my VS versing is VS 2005. 2.0 with ajax.

in runtime grid is not enbled, icons also also not visible. i changed xhtmlmode=false

still its giving the problem, can you tell me reason please…

Best Regards

Hi Seshadri,

We will get back to you soon.

Thank you.

Hi Seshadri,

The GridWeb doesn't completely support AJAX as there might be some issues around, But some of our customers have reported that it works with MS ajax panel. Anyways, the AJAX is a good technology and we will support it in the future version soon.

Thank you for considering Aspose.



The grid conflicts with some ajax framework.

You may try to add a config setting to the web.config:

Be sure that the client files(images, scripts) are correctlly installed at the URL path "/agw_client/".

This config prevent the control from using embeded client resource(images, scripts, etc.). And this config will only take effect with LICENSED controls.