GridWeb demos

Do you know where can I find grdiwebdemo, in order to have access to it to download it?
Because from the one in the documnetation I do not have access.
(71.3 KB)
Thank you!
Have a nice day!

Ioana Nenciu

This Topic is created by Amjad_Sahi using Email to Topic tool.


Thanks for the screenshot.

You can get/download Aspose.Cells.GridWeb (Java) examples for your reference.

Thank you, but there is the Spring version on which I receive an error when I run it: NullPointerException at com.aspose.gridweb.test.TestGridWebBaseServlet.doPost(

I thought that the simple “gridwebdemo” from the link in documentation(the one I cannot access) is the one without spring, just to add the .war in tomee server.


Do you need a war file for simple GridWeb demos without spring framework? If so, we will check if we can provide updated war file for your needs. In the mean time you may get and try using sample demo project (without spring) here.

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Please find attached latest gridwebdemos war file as per the document for your needs. (8.5 MB)

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Thank you very much!!
Do you think I can find the code for the gridwebdemo.latest1.war?

Have a great weekend!


Yes, you may import the .war file into eclipse/intelliJ Idea or some other editor and check/browse or run the sample code snippets against different features/APIs for your reference. Moreover, you may see Aspose.Cells.GridWeb Docs.

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