Grouping Options


Within excel there is a setting that for grouping called ‘Summary rows below detail’

Can I programmatically set this to off?




Please use:
worksheet.Outline.SummaryRowBelow = false;

Thank you.


Thanks for your Aspose.Cells for .NET.

As stated by Amjad, please use Worksheet.Outline.SummaryRowBelow property to programmatically turn it on or off.

Please also see the following documentation article relating to Grouping/Ungrouping for your complete reference.

Let us know if you face any other issue, we will be glad to assist you further.

Please also download and try the latest Offline Demos of Aspose.Cells for .NET to get more grasp of Aspose.Cells API quickly.

These demos use the latest version of Aspose.Cells for .NET and can be run offline using Visual Studio 2005, 2008 and 2010.

Thanks for your quick reply. I am having a bit of nightmare trying to get the grouping to work.

Basically in my excel document I have column containing a series of numbers. These numbers denote the depth.

I need to loop through these numbers and set the grouping accordingly.

I’ve attached a sample showing the before and after picture.

Any suggestions greatly appreciated as I’m pretty stuck at the moment.




Thanks for your posting and using Aspose.Cells.

We understand your needs. It is quite possible to set group depth. If you will group rows twice time, it will have group depth level 2.

You actually need an algorithm to meet your business needs, so your question is related to algorithm than Aspose.Cells feature. We are afraid, we provide support to Aspose.Cells related questions not business requirements or logic.

However, if we find some time, we will look into your issue and suggest you sample code.


Thanks. I’ve just about got this working. Only now to be hit by another problem.

Am I right in thinking Excel restricts the grouping to a maximum of 8?

If so, is there any clever way to circumvent this?


Thanks for your posting and using Aspose.Cells for .NET.

It’s good to know you were able to find solution to this issue. I was able to confirm that you are right about limitation of Ms-Excel groups. You cannot create more groups than 8.

Since Aspose.Cells works according to the Ms-Excel available features, so it can also not create more groups. If it will do so, it will then corrupt the output file.

Below is a screenshot for your reference.
