GS1Code128 - Barcode incorrectly Rendered as Code128

Using v7.2, the code below is not generating a GS1Code128 barcode, but a Code128. A barcode scanner can confirm it’s not a GS1-128 barcode and should be. If you change the SymbologyType to Symbology.Code128, the resulting barcode would be identical.

BarCodeBuilder b = new BarCodeBuilder("(01)90013670000396(3200)15(11)150819");

b.AutoSize = true;

b.SymbologyType = Symbology.GS1Code128;

b.CodeTextFont = new Font(“OCR B Std”, 16.0f);

b.GraphicsUnit = GraphicsUnit.Millimeter;

b.xDimension = 0.495f;

b.BarHeight = 31.75f;

b.CodeTextSpace = 0.5f;

b.Resolution = new Resolution(1200.0f, 1200.0f, ResolutionMode.Customized);

b.Save(“GS1Code128 sample.png”, BarCodeImageFormat.Png);

Hi Tony,

Thank you for contacting support. We have logged an investigation under ticket id BARCODENET-34266 in our issue tracking system. Your post has also been linked to this issue. We’ll keep you informed regarding any available updates. Please also let us know, which scanner are you using to read it. It will help us to fix this defect properly.

For testing, I am using Manatee Works Barcode Scanner v2.6.6 for iOS.

If you change the symbology code above to generate Symbology.Code128, you will see the barcode rendered is exactly the same.

Hi Tony,

Thank you for the details. We have logged this information against the ticket id BARCODENET-34266. We’ll let you know once it is fixed. Thank you for the cooperation.

Hi Tony,

Thank you for being patient. We have a good news for you that the issue id BARCODENET-34266 has now been resolved. If there is no issue in the QA phase, then their fixes will be included in the future version of Aspose.BarCode for .NET 7.4.0. It is expected in the mid of October, 2015. We'll inform you via this forum thread as soon as the said release is published.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as BARCODENET-34266) have been fixed in Aspose.BarCode for .NET 7.3.0.

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