Handling Duplicate File Names by Adding Unique Identifier in C#

We are facing an issue in a C# project where we are trying to save files with a unique name. These files are generated from an mbox reader, and we’re using the email’s subject as the base of the filename. The problem arises when there are duplicate subjects; the expected behavior is that the filename should contain the email subject followed by a unique identifier (GUID) to avoid any collisions. However, in cases of duplicates, the filename doesn’t include the GUID, and only the subject is seen. This causes overwriting of the file and we lose the data of the duplicate files.

What We Have Tried:

  1. We attempted to add a unique identifier (GUID) to the filename. This works for unique files but fails to add the GUID for files with duplicate subjects.
  2. We tried to add a counter to the filename when duplicates are detected. The filename should ideally look like “subject_GUID”. In the case of duplicates, it should be “subject_1_GUID”, “subject_2_GUID”, and so forth. However, it only gives us “subject.eml”.
  3. We attempted to truncate the subject part to ensure that there are no issues related to path length, but the issue persisted.
  4. We tried saving the file with a delay of 1 second, hoping it might help with the file detection process, but it didn’t resolve the issue.
  5. We also tried checking if the file exists before saving it and if it does, we tried to append the counter to the filename and then save it. But it resulted in an incomplete process where the progress bar stopped at 2/3.

We are now seeking a robust solution to handle this duplicate file naming issue without losing any data and preserving the uniqueness of the file names.
Current Code:

string[] subjectParts = new string[] { subject };

foreach (var subjectPart in subjectParts)
    var truncatedSubjectPart = subjectPart.Length > 30 ? subjectPart.Substring(0, 30) : subjectPart;
    var newVariable = truncatedSubjectPart + "_" + guid;
    var fullSubjectPart = newVariable;

    var filePath = Path.Combine(flspath, Path.ChangeExtension(SanitizeFileName(fullSubjectPart), ".eml"));
    FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(filePath);
    message.Save(filePath, SaveOptions.DefaultEml);

Hello @DeepakBisht,

Thank you for writing to Aspose support forum.

We’ll be happy to help if you, please, provide the complete code, which includes reading messages from mbox, an algorithm for finding duplicates, and saving messages with a given file name. It will give us a complete understanding of your problem. It will be even better if you create a simple test project that demonstrates the problem and send it to us.