Handling Multiple Answer Sheets in One File

Hi gens,
If users scan multiple answer sheets into a single file, such as 50 answer sheets combined into one file (e.g., allScan.jpg), how can these be split into individual sheets? Does Aspose OMR only accept one sheet per file?
FYI, I am going to use Java.


Can you please provide more details about the format of the input file and how you intend to process the scanned answer sheets?

Hello, @jamesanvic

At the current moment, Java version supports only single page scans (including .pdf). One template per file.

In .NET version of the library, best practice would be to create a Barcode\QR element with an encoded value.
For multipage templates, it can store a number of a page.
For personalized template, it can store identification - Example

Hi @nikita.korobeynikov

Thanks for your reply. It sounds pdf format works in Java but only one sheet per file.
(Please correct me if I am wrong)


Hi @Professionalize.Discourse

I am going to use my existing OMR sheet which used to be processed by OpenCV library.
Once I create template .omr file - I have another question, how to create omr file using existing image ?. this should be handled separately as I don’t want this thread complicated, anyway - I will simply process the answer sheets as a normal use case. However, multiple answer sheets can be scanned in an one file.
Hence, I was wondering if OMR library (Java) can digest one chunk file including multiple answer sheets such as 50 sheets or do I need to break down into a group of individual answer sheet files.

P.S> I don’t know why my account name has changed but the above question was from me :slight_smile:


We are checking it and will get back to you shortly.

Hello, @jamesanvictoria

Can you share a sample of your template and multiple answer sheets scanned in one file?

Hi @nikita.korobeynikov

Template : For TT6 TT8 JMSS VSSE.pdf (1.1 MB)

Multiple Answer Sheets : PC TT6 T7.pdf (6.0 MB)

Thanks and please let me know if you need more info on my end.


At the current moment, there is no support for .pdf or multipage scans (like in your example) in Aspose OMR for Java.

This is supported in Aspose OMR for .NET.

For Java, I can recommend using another library to convert multipage .pdf into collection of images, like Aspose.PDF for Java and use resulting images in OMR library.

Hi @nikita.korobeynikov,

What if the scanned output is a ‘jpg’ file for multi answer sheets instead of a ‘pdf’ file?

I understand that a single jpg per answer sheet can be managed, but how are you handling cases where one jpg file contains multiple answer sheets? Are you addressing this scenario in your Java implementation?

Hello, @cailot

There are four known cases:

  1. Template forms are generated in Aspose.OMR for .NET using a new batch processing engine.
    In this case, each paper sheet will have an encoded page index and dataset unique ID (e.g. student ID).
    Supported format and file variation:
    1.1. Multiple single page files (.jpg, .png)
    1.2. Multiple multipage files (.tiff, .pdf)
    1.3. Single multipage file (.tiff, .pdf)
    1.4 Any variations of all above.
    Software will automatically match student-to-student and page-to-page.

  2. Template form is generated in Aspose.OMR for .NET as multipage template, separated by a Page element, example(JSON)
    In this case, each page is stamped with a QR code, containing the page index. This requires scanned output to be grouped up by student manually.
    Supported format and file variation:
    2.1. Multiple single page files (.jpg, .png)
    2.2. Multiple multipage files (.tiff, .pdf)
    2.3. Single multipage file (.tiff, .pdf)
    2.4 Any variations of all above.
    Software will automatically match only page-to-page.

  3. Template form is generated in Web Sheet designer (compatible to .NET), new or from existing template.
    Best used for single page sheets. There is no automatic QR codes placed to identify page or student ID.
    Supported format and file variation:
    3.1. Multiple single page files (.jpg, .png)
    3.2. Multiple multipage files (.tiff, .pdf)
    3.3. Single multipage file (.tiff, .pdf)
    3.4 Any variations of all above.
    Software will not automatically match to student or to page.

  4. Template form is generated in Aspose OMR for Java or Aspose OMR Cloud client ( not compatible to .NET)
    Best used for single page sheets. There is no automatic QR codes placed to identify page or student ID.
    Supported format and file variation:
    4.1. One singlepaged file per template (.jpg, .png)
    Software will not automatically match to student or to page.

For cases 2, 3 and 4 I would recommend adding Barcode element on the page layout with encoded identification and perform matching student-to-student and page-to-page manually.

We also have added in Aspose OMR for Java 24.12 support for Barcode.

Thank you for your kind response.

In my case, I plan to use Java with my own OMR format instead of .NET, so option 4 seems to be the most suitable choice. It appears that I would need to split the large file into a series of individual answer sheets manually. Afterward, I can utilise the Aspose OMR library, correct?

I just want to confirm this before preceeding further.


Hello, @jamesanvic

Yes, at the current moment, Aspose OMR for Java (option 4) can only support single page files.

Multipage (large) files can only be processed if they are split into single page files in another software. For example, Aspose PDF for Java