Hi Pooja,
I tried to reproduce this issue at my end using the following lines of code, but couldn’t get success. The code executes fine and the output PST can be read again. Could you please share your code sample with us alongwith some sample PST that we could use to reproduce this issue at our end? We’ll look into it and assist you further as soon as possible.
Sample Code:
PersonalStorage pst = PersonalStorage.Create("Sample.pst", FileFormatVersion.Unicode);
FolderInfo folderInfo = pst.RootFolder.AddSubFolder("$All");
folderInfo.AddMessage(MapiMessage.FromFile("About Aspose-1.msg"));
pst = PersonalStorage.FromFile("Sample.pst");
FolderInfo fi = pst.RootFolder.GetSubFolder("$All");
MessageInfoCollection coll = fi.GetContents();
MessageInfo msgInfo = coll[0];
MapiMessage mapi = pst.ExtractMessage(msgInfo);
Hi Pooja,
Hi Pooja,
Using MailMessage, you can simply assign such information to various properties of this class as you can see in the detailed example HERE. Please let us know if we can be of any additional help to you in this regard.
//Declare message as MailMessage instance
MailMessage message = new MailMessage();
//txtFrom.Text is the sender’s address
message.From = "from@domain.com";
//txtTo.Text is the recipient’s address
message.To = "to@domain.com";
message.Subject = “My First Mail”;
//txtBody.Text is the email message
message.TextBody = “Message text body”;