Header Formatting Lost After Converting DOCX to PDF

The formatting in the header section of a Word document is lost when using Aspose.Words to convert the file to a PDF. If I use Office automation via their COM objects to convert the file, the formatting is preserved. Please see the attached files and notice the correct formatting in PDF_using_Word.PDF vs. the incorrect formatting in PDF_using_Aspose.PDF pages three and four.

Thanks for your request. Could you please also attach your original Word document here for testing? I will check the issue and provide you more information.
Best regards,

Attached is the Word document used to generate the last two pages of the PDFs I originally attached. The first two pages come from a different PDF that we stitch to the DOCX after conversion

I managed to reproduce your problem on my side.
I created a corresponding request in our defect database. Once the problem is solved, we will notify you immediately.
As a workaround I can advise you not to use markup using a tab, and use a table to position text in certain places.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSNET-4717) have been fixed in this .NET update and this Java update.

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