Header gets overlapped with TOC (CTS-3799)


While converting attached document to PDF, header portion on Pg 3 gets overlapped with the TOC. Output looks really messy.

We can see that in original document or in PDF generated with MS Word, that’s not the case.


Hi Rajiv,

Thanks for your inquiry. I have tested the scenario and have managed to reproduce the same issue at my side. For the sake of correction, I have logged this problem in our issue tracking system as WORDSNET-11956. I have linked this forum thread to the same issue and you will be notified via this forum thread once this issue is resolved.

We apologize for your inconvenience.

Thanks Tahir for quick turn-around.

Please move this thread to ES a/c AjeshEMC, and raise the bug-priority to ES.


Please move the thread under AjeshEMC a/c.


Hi Ajesh,

Thanks for your inquiry. I am afraid you have consumed your Enterprise Support quota limit i.e 66 incidents per 365 days. Your current quota usage is shown on the left hand side of the screen, under your username in your ES forum posts. However, if you want to increase your issue quota, please talk to our sales team via Aspose.Purchase forum. You’ll be guided appropriately.

Hi Tahir,

Please move it to crunchy74 ES, that’s our account too.


Hi Rajiv,

I have changed the support level of WORDSNET-11956 to Enterprise Support under account crunchy74.