Headers data disappearing when inserting an existing document


It seems like when i import an existing .doc/.docx file that has headers and footers already setup, the headers data are disappearing. I have different headers and footers setup on the page. The first header remains but then all the the rest of the headers information disappearing. All i’m doing is just creating the new document and then saving it. The header does has an image in it that is being repeated on a number of pages. Has anyone had this issue before?



Thanks for your inquiry. Please check following documentation link to control Header/Footer in document appending process. Hopefully it will help you to accomplish the task. However if the issue persists then please ZIP and share following resources here for further testing. We will look into these and will guide you accordingly.

Controlling how Header/Footer appear in document appending

  • Your input Word documents
  • Your output document, showing undesired behavior
  • Your sample expected document, you can create it by appending documents in MS Word
  • Your sample working code(without any missing references/compilation error)