Headers not repeating for a table spread in 2 pages in word document (HTML table in ck5 editor)


I have added a table from CK5 editor, as shown in the below screen shot-

image.png (66.3 KB)

and below is the html for the same (I got in debug mode)-
html.docx (20.0 KB)

and below is the aspose words code to print the html into document-
image.png (68.2 KB)

below is the generated document-
FramsiktExport (79).docx (17.5 KB)

You assistance in this regard is highly appreciated.

Thank you.

@kamaraju2407 The problem occurs because the table is nested into another table. Your HTML looks like this:


In MS Word Repeat as header row at the top of each page option does not work for nested tables. If you modify your HTML like this:


Header row will be repeated properly.

Hi Alexey,

Thank you for your response, I will try to remove the nested tables and try it.

Thank you.

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