Dear Sir:
I have a question : I have an existing word ducument , and I want to insert some comments on the document in the given page , row and column, so how can I do this? Thank you for your answer!
Dear Wang,
Thank you for your question.
Unfortunately due to flow format of .doc/.docx files you cannot use page, row or column data to insert something into document.
To define exact location to insert comment I would recommend using bookmark. You can mark word/phrase you want comment by bookmark and then use the following code:
Bookmark bookmark = doc.Range.Bookmarks["ttc"];
// Insert a comment.
Comment comment = new Comment(doc, "xyx", string.Empty, System.DateTime.Now);
comment.SetText("Comment for given word");
CommentRangeStart start = new CommentRangeStart(doc, comment.Id);
CommentRangeEnd end = new CommentRangeEnd(doc, comment.Id);
bookmark.BookmarkStart.ParentNode.InsertBefore(comment, bookmark.BookmarkStart);
bookmark.BookmarkStart.ParentNode.InsertBefore(start, bookmark.BookmarkStart);
bookmark.BookmarkEnd.ParentNode.InsertAfter(end, bookmark.BookmarkEnd);
bookmark.Remove(); // bookmark deleting at your option
Another way to define location of word/phrase is to implement IReplacingCallback to search word into the document and comment it. How to do this please see here
Hope this helps.
Thank you for your answer,I’ll try it.