Help to set language


I don't understand how I can reference a custom "lang_pers.js".
I've a site, say : http:/localhost/asposeGrid
Where should i put my file to make it work.
I've try, without succes:


what is the right way?
thanks for your help.


The AGWLanguageFileUrl can be absolute url or related url.

Asume that you have a sub folder in your application folder named "script", and you put the language js file in this folder. Then you may set the AGWLanguageFileUrl:

GridWeb1.AGWLanguageFileUrl = "script/lang_pers.js";

If you have an IIS virtual directory "my_client" and you put the language file in that folder, you should set the AGWLanguageFileUrl:

GridWeb1.AGWLanguageFileUrl = "/my_client/lang_pers.js";

And you can find two language file smaples(lang_en.js and lang_cn.js) in the /agw_client/ folder. You may create your own language files based on those two file.

Wish this helps.