Hi- How can I add pdf pages in section

Hi, How can I add pdf pages in section.

Hi Anandan,

Thanks for contacting support.

A section object can have one or more paragraph objects and the default layout of Section instance is Top-Left to Bottom-Right and when contents cannot be accommodated in single page, they flow to subsequent pages (unless PageBreak = false) is specified. Furthermore, by default, new section is displayed / added over new page.

Useful writing ! I learned a lot from the information - Does anyone know where my company might be able to get a sample Form to “Add PDF Pages Online” example to fill in?

Hi Reynaldo,

Thanks for contacting support.

Aspose provides API to create applications i.e. Desktop or Web application and you can use Aspose.Pdf to create as well as manipulate existing PDF forms. However as per your requirement of some online example, you may consider checking our documentation section Working with Forms

You may also consider having a look at AssemblyApp from our sister company named GroupDocs which can be used to create/fill forms online.

Should you have any further query, please feel free to contact.