Hide rows


When I hide any rows, apear in my webgrid a block with with backgound collor gray.

How do I correct this?


Thanks for considering Aspose.

Well, I don't see any block that you are mentioning when I hide any row. And I am using the latest version of Aspose.Grid.Web (1.9.2)

I use the following code to hide row 5:

WebWorksheet sheet = GridWeb1.WebWorksheets[1];

sheet.Cells.SetRowHeight(4, new Unit("0pt"));

To unhide the row, I use the following code:

WebWorksheet sheet = GridWeb1.WebWorksheets[1];

sheet.Cells.SetRowHeight(4, new Unit("25pt"));

Thank you.


Now the grid supports RowFilter. The filter feature can hide/show rows with AutoFilter or Criteria. You may create a Criteria for the RowFilter to filter rows. For an example:

GridWeb1.WebWorksheets[0].RowFilter.Criteria = "CELL0=\"Revenue\"";

The above code will only display the rows where its column 0 contains a cell "Revenue". The other rows are hidden.

Wish this helps. Thank you for considering Aspose.