High times in the conversion from HTML to PDF and high memory consumption that is causing unavailability in the services (Azure and on-premise)

The html to pdf conversion process is done using the Aspose.Html library in version 23.5.0, style sheets (css) are not used as an external resource and the images are sent in base64 format.

The code used to perform this action is as follows (the license was previously assigned)…
The example string that is used in html is as follows.

sampleHTML.zip (62.4 KB)



It looks like your HTML contains some invalid characters. We tried using 23.8.1 (the latest) version and faced this exception in our environment. image.png (10.7 KB)

Does this memory related issue happen with every HTML file you have? Can you please share some more sample file(s) with us? Also, please try to test with the latest version as well and let us know about the results you got. We will further proceed to assist you accordingly.

Those are the references added in the code.:
global using Aspose.Drawing;

global using Aspose.Drawing.Imaging;

global using Aspose.Html;

global using Aspose.Html.Converters;

global using Aspose.Html.Saving;

global using Aspose.Html.IO;

Would you please also share the above requested information as well? We will further proceed to assist you.