Highlight active sheet in the dropdown in GridJs

Would it be possible possible to add ‘active’ css class to the currently selected sheet in the dropdown on the bottom, same as it’s added now to the current sheet in the bottom menu bar? It would make the currently selected sheet visible:

Screenshot 2023-05-01 at 11.36.50 am.png (11.2 KB)

Screenshot 2023-05-01 at 11.37.24 am.png (20.6 KB)

We get many documents with 20+ sheets which don’t fit fully into the bottom bar (x-spreadsheet-bottombar), and we restrict the bottom bar to a single row hight to prevent it from taking half the screen for really large documents.

By the way, I saw you added max-height and vertical scrolling to x-spreadsheet-dropdown-content in a recent update, really appreciate it. That helps a lot with large documents as well.


We need to evaluate your requirements/task. We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): CELLSGRIDJS-809

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This is to inform you that your issue has been resolved. The fix will be included in our upcoming release (Aspose.Cells v23.5) that we plan to release in the next week. You will be notified when the next version is released.