Histogram Chart Is Cloned as PictureFrame instead of Chart in C#

Hello team! I’m trying to clone histogram chart as chart shape by using slide.Shapes.AddClone method, but seems it is copied like PictureFrame. Here is a code example (in attached file). Could you please tell me, am I do something wrong?Code example.zip (563 Bytes)
or this is a bug?

Also I can see that AddClone method works in the same way with Waterfall chart.

Thank you for reporting the issue.

I’ve reproduced the problem with the chart cloning and added a ticket with ID SLIDESNET-43154 to our issue tracking system. We apologize for any inconvenience. Our development team will investigate this case. You will be notified when the issue is resolved.

Hi @Andrey_Potapov,
The same issue with Treemap chart - can we add that to the ticket?

This was a known issue, thank you. I’ve linked an appropriate ticket with ID SLIDESNET-43344 to this forum thread. Chart cloning issues have already been resolved. A fix will be included in Aspose.Slides 22.9. This release will be published in the second half of September.

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Cool, I will wait for it, thanks!

Thank you for using Aspose.Slides.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as SLIDESNET-43344,SLIDESNET-43154) have been fixed in Aspose.Slides for .NET 22.10 (ZIP, MSI).
You can check all fixes on the Release Notes page.
You can also find the latest version of our library on the Product Download page.

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