How Aspose.Tasks prevents writing to read only fields?


I’m not sure how Aspose Task update existing MPP files. I have many custom columns in MS Project, where some fields are represented by formula, and they are Read-Only. Which attribute in Aspose.Tasks can tell me if specific fields are read only? How Aspose.Tasks prevents writing to read/only fields?


Hi Dann,

Thank you for writing to Aspose support team.

I am afraid that reading the custom field with formula is not supported now as Aspose.Tasks cannot read formula and also no feature is available to identify these read only custom fields.

I have logged it as new feature in our issue tracking system under id:TASKS-33815 for further investigation by our development team. Once there is any information available in this regard, I’ll update you here via this thread.

Hi Kashif

I just need to be sure.

If I read the original MPP (2010) file, and save it in another version, is all data will be properly stored in the MS Project file. Of course if I use Aspose.Task, with changes to some common fields (duration, etc). I have attached two MPP files. Can you check if all data will be properly recorded in another file, calling the method ()?


Hi Dann,

Thank you for providing additional information.

I have tested the files by saving them as MPP using Aspose.Tasks and observed that the custom fields having formula are not saved properly. It is an expected behavior as formula in custom field is not supported yet. I have passed all this information to the development team to consider while analyzing the logged ticket.

Your patience and understanding is appreciated in this regard.

Hi Kashif,

I must decide which product for integration should I use. So, I need to know if Aspose.Tasks can guarantee me fully functionality with MS Project 2010. I sent you two MPP test files in the previous post. Can you give me response in the next few days?

Thanks in advance

Hi Dann,

I have discussed the issue with the development team and they have informed that this issue is still in queue to be analyzed. Development team will look into it on its turn and will analyze the options to achieve this functionality as no open specifications are available about usage of this feature in MSP. As there are many other tasks in the queue having high priority, therefore I am afraid to share that we cannot provide ETA for this task at this moment.

I will write back here as soon as any other feedback is available here and we appreciate your patience and understanding in this regard.

Hi Kashif,

Did you make investigation regarding the sample files that I sent. The problem is that some custom fields not recorded correctly in the MPP file after saving. Can you tell me if this is a big problem, and for how much time can be solved ?. I am interested in purchasing site license, but I have to be sure of the complete functionality of the product.

Thanks in advance

Hi Dann,

The issue is still open for analysis and implementation at our end. However, we can not provide an ETA for this as this requires time for investigating the implementation methodology and alot of complexity is involved. In addition, we are currently in process of refactoring Aspose.Tasks API which has the highest priority at the moment. Once done, development team will share their feedback about the possible implementation of this feature. We’ll notify you here as soon as there is some information available in this regard.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as TASKS-33815) have been fixed in this update.

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The issues you have found earlier (filed as ) have been fixed in this Aspose.Words for JasperReports 18.3 update.