How can I control that the page number starts again at 1 for each record?

I have a 3 page template. For example, if I have 2 records, then the page number for the 2nd record should start with 1 again and not be continuous (page 4)

@Niebelschuetz You should simply configure the first section in your template to restart numbering from 1. In the Insert tab in MS Word in the Header & Footer section select Page Number and select Format Page Numbers... item:

And then change page numbering from Continue from previous section to Start at::

Many thanks for the quick response.
Your suggestion worked.

Based on your suggestion, I searched the reference and found a way to solve it in the program so that there is no effort for our customers.
I set the RestartPageNumbering property before the MailMerge:
Document.Sections[0].PageSetup.RestartPageNumbering = true;

@Niebelschuetz Yes, you can use PageSetup.RestartPageNumbering and PageSetup.PageStartingNumber to set the appropriate options programmatically.