When we save a picture in word document, and after that I resize the picture, word keeps the information of the original size of the picture, and its actual size.
How can I get The original size and the actual size of an image using Aspose?
And what is the differenc between:
int x =shape.CoordSize.Height ;
int y = shape.CoordSize.Width;
double x1 = shape.Height;
double y1 = shape.Width;
Thanks for your request. You can use the following code to get size of the image:
// Open Document
Document doc = new Document(@"Test249\in.doc");
// Get Shapes
NodeCollection shapes = doc.GetChildNodes(NodeType.Shape, true);
// Loop through all shapes
foreach (Shape shape in shapes)
if (shape.HasImage)
Console.WriteLine("Image size in the document: H={0}pt; W={1}pt", shape.Height, shape.Width);
// Get size of the original image
Console.WriteLine("Size of the original image: H={0}pt; W={1}pt", shape.ImageData.ImageSize.HeightPoints, shape.ImageData.ImageSize.WidthPoints);
Regarding CoordSize, please see the following link:
Hope this helps.
Best regards.