How can I get only one barcode infomation

I hope to get the barcode infomation as soon as possible when the BarcodeReader find a first barcode without scanning fully. I just want a first scanned barcode. I think wast of time what the BarcodeReader scan a file fully. Please let me know if you have a good idea.


I think you may try to specify relevant DecodeType enum member to get your desired barcode only if there are different kinds of barcodes on the image. The barcode reader will scan the whole image but while reading barcodes, once you have read the first one, you may exit loop accordingly. Moreover, you may try some recognition options to implement fast detection for barcodes. In case, you still have performance issue, kindly do share your barcode image and paste your sample code, we will check it soon.

Our document almost have one barcode on it. So BarCodeReader don’t have to read the whole image.
when it scans a barcode, Immediately it only needs to return its value. I already put ‘BREAK’ in LOOP.


Aspose.BarCode for .NET enables setting one or many objects of the Rectangle type to limit target areas for barcode detection. This property allows improving recognition efficiency and avoiding the recognition of irrelevant barcodes placed in the areas out of interest. See the document with example code on specifying target regions for recognition for your reference.