How Can I Get the Animation Timeline Effect Property Value in Java?

Please browse the following files. (34.3 KB)
I want to get animation timeline effect property value as shown in the figure below:
Effect.jpg (407.8 KB)
How can I get “Zoom out to the center of the screen” or “outward”?
I guess I should use subType, right?
ooxml.png (559.7 KB)
But the value seems wrong. Could you tell me how to solve it?

Unfortunately, I could not find such settings in PowerPoint. Could you please explain in more detail what it is or show me how to find it step by step?

I recorded how to set it. Please check the following screenshot. (2.9 MB)

Thank you for the video. I need some time, I will reply to you as soon as possible.

It looks like you should use the IEffect.getSubtype method, but it does not return the expected values for the Zoom effect. I’ve added a ticket with ID SLIDESJAVA-38992 to our issue-tracking system. Our development team will investigate the case. We will inform you of any progress.

Any update on this? I am also looking for a solution to find the effect property value. GetSubtype does not return correct value for some effects like Float, ascend

Unfortunately, the issue is still open. I have informed our developers that you also need this functionality.