How can we change the font size of footnote using Aspose.Words

How can we change the font size of footnote using this way?

To change the font size of the footnote please use the following code example:

Footnote f = (Footnote)doc.GetChild(NodeType.Footnote, 0, true);

// set the font size of reference mark of the footnote
f.Font.Size = 18;

// set the font size of reference text of the footnote
Paragraph p = (Paragraph)f.FirstParagraph;
p.ParagraphFormat.Style.Font.Size = 18;

I am still not able to achieve the result, I want footnote reference text to be of size 8 and my document is having font size 10. Below is code snippet:

 private class ReplaceHandler : IReplacingCallback
            public ReplaceHandler(FindReplaceOptions options, string footNoteText, DocumentBuilder builder, Document doc)
                value = footNoteText;
                builderFooter = builder;
                document = doc;
            ReplaceAction IReplacingCallback.Replacing(ReplacingArgs e)
                Footnote footnote = new Footnote(e.MatchNode.Document, FootnoteType.Footnote);
                e.MatchNode.ParentNode.InsertAfter(footnote, e.MatchNode);
                footnote.Paragraphs.Add(new Paragraph(e.MatchNode.Document));
                footnote.FirstParagraph.Runs.Add(new Run(e.MatchNode.Document, value));

                Footnote tempNote = (Footnote)document.GetChild(NodeType.Footnote, 1, true);
                Paragraph p = (Paragraph)tempNote.FirstParagraph;
                p.ParagraphFormat.Style.Font.Size = 8;

                footnote.Font.Superscript = true;
                return ReplaceAction.Replace;
            private readonly string value;
            private DocumentBuilder builderFooter;
            private Document document;

Also, footnote is not the first footnote of document. So, is there any way to find the particular footnote and change the font size in the above implementation. I am basically placing the footnote marker in between of a dynamically generating paragraph, and my problem is that I am not able to fix the footnote font size , if I am trying to change the size it is altering the size of complete document (to font size : 8)
Also, I am using document builder for writing data into my Word Document.

To generate a footnote using ReplaceHandler and change its font size to 8 please use the following updated ReplaceHandler class:

private class ReplaceHandler : IReplacingCallback
    public ReplaceHandler(FindReplaceOptions options, string footNoteText, DocumentBuilder builder, Document doc)
        value = footNoteText;
        builderFooter = builder;
        document = doc;
    ReplaceAction IReplacingCallback.Replacing(ReplacingArgs e)
        Footnote footnote = builderFooter.InsertFootnote(FootnoteType.Footnote, value);

        Paragraph p = (Paragraph)footnote.FirstParagraph;
        p.ParagraphFormat.Style.Font.Size = 8;

        footnote.Font.Superscript = true;
        return ReplaceAction.Replace;
    private readonly string value;
    private DocumentBuilder builderFooter;
    private Document document;

Please feel free to ask in case of any other issues.

Thanks for your help, it worked well for me.