How can we get sheet specific namedRanges in java?

I need to get the sheet specific named ranges i.e., given the name of the namedRange and the sheet name, how can we get the range? Is there a way to pass sheet name as input parameter?


In MS Excel, there are two types of named ranges, i.e., global (Workbook scoped) and local/worksheet scoped named ranges, see the document for your reference:

To get specific worksheet scoped named range, you got to get it with respect to its worksheet, see the sample lines of code for your reference:
Sample code:

WorksheetCollection worksheets = workbook.getWorksheets();

// Getting the specified local named range
Range namedRange = worksheets.getRangeByName("Sheet1!Range1");

Also, see the document on named ranges for your reference:

Hope, this helps a bit.