How convert caj/kdh/nh into pdf or jpg?

Does the dll support convert caj/kdh/nh into pdf or jpg? if so ,how to do it?
Thanks for your help.


We are afraid that Aspose.PDF does not support conversion of these file formats. However, please share some sample files for our reference so that we can log a feature request and share the ID with you.

please refer to those files. (2.9 MB) (4.4 MB)

You may refer to this PC application that can open caj/kdh/nh/caa/teb/pdf file formats.


A feature request as PDFNET-51426 has been logged in our issue management system for your requirements. We will investigate its feasibility and let you know as soon as the feature is available. Please be patient and spare us some time.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.